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What is Defensive Asylum?
Defensive asylum is a process through which a person facing deportation proceedingsin the U.S. seeks protection to avoid being removed from the country.This protection is based on a well-founded fear of persecution in their home countrydue to their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group,or political opinion.
To initiate this process, the applicant must submit Form I-589 to the immigrationcourt, where a judge will evaluate their case. If you need an expert asylum attorney,contact serving immigrants right now.

Understand the Process
Understanding I-589 Defensive Asylum Instructions

The I-589 Defensive Asylum Instructions outline a crucial process for individualsin the U.S. who seek asylum as a defense against deportation. Form I-589 is typicallyused when a person is already in removal proceedings before an immigration judge andseeks asylum to prevent deportation.
The application process involves several key steps, including providing detailedpersonal information, documenting the reasons for seeking asylum, and submittingany supporting evidence of persecution in the applicant's home country.
It’s essential to follow instructions carefully, as errors in the I-589 DefensiveAsylum Instructions can lead to delays or even denial of the application. Submittingthe I-589 form is only part of the process.
Follow the Guidelines
How to Complete Form I-589:
Personal and Family Information:
Form I-589 requires the applicant to provide detailed information aboutthemselves and their family members. This includes full names, dates ofbirth, places of birth, citizenship, and any other relevant information.
Statements and Evidence:
In the relevant section of the form, the applicant must provide a detailedstatement explaining why they fear returning to their home country. Accordingto the I-589 Defensive Asylum Instructions, this statement should be supportedby evidence such as medical reports, witness testimonies, and any otherrelevant documentation. See how it looks
It is vital to be as specific as possible when describing the reasons for thefear and the persecution suffered. The narrative should be including specificdetails such as dates, locations, and the nature of the threats or harm experienced.

Form I-589
Submission Process
Form I-589 requires the applicant to provide detailed information aboutthemselves and their family members, following the I-589 Defensive Asylum Instructions.This includes full names, dates of birth, places of birth, citizenship,and any other relevant information. It is crucial to be accurate and complete,as these details will be reviewed thoroughly during the asylum process todetermine eligibility for protection under the law.
See if you are eligible to file a Form I-589
Once the form is completed and signed, it must be sent to the appropriateimmigration court or USCIS if the case is affirmative. It is advisable to usea mailing service with tracking to ensure that the form arrives on time.Additionally, it is essential to keep a complete copy of the form and alldocumentation for your records.
The Immigration Court Hearing
The Immigration Court Hearing refers to the formal legal process where an immigrationjudge reviews evidence and testimony to decide on asylum or deportation. Check thefollowing information for more details:
Preparing for the Hearing:
The applicant must be well-prepared, which includes having all documents organized,knowing their case thoroughly, and being ready to answer questions from the judgeand the government attorney.If you need help, contact serving immigrants;we have expert attorneys in asylum.
Presenting the Case:
During the hearing, the applicant will have the opportunity to present their casebefore the judge. This includes testifying about their experiences, presentingwitnesses, and offering any additional evidence.
The witnesses can include experts, such as medical professionals or human rightsactivists, who can provide context on the conditions in the applicant's home countryand the risks they would face upon return.

Key Steps in I-589 Defensive Asylum Instructions
The I-589 Defensive Asylum Instructions involve several critical stepsthat must be followed to ensure a successful application. The first stepis determining eligibility, which generally applies to individuals facingpersecution in their home countries based on race, religion, nationality,political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.
Completing the I-589 form requires providing detailed information about the applicant’sbackground, including dates of entry into the U.S., the reasons for seeking asylum,and any family members included in the application. It is crucial to be thorough,as any gaps in information may lead to delays or even denial of the application.
Additional Evidence:
The applicant may include a variety of additional evidence to support theirasylum application, such as newspaper articles, human rights reports, witnessletters, and medical or psychological reports. This evidence should demonstratethe conditions in the home country and how they directly affect the applicant.All submitted evidence must be organized and clear. It is important to includecopies of all documents with certified translations. It is recommended to seeklegal advice from an expert asylum attorney.
Employment Authorization:
Work Permit Application:
The applicant may apply for a work permit after their asylum applicationhas been pending for 150 days. To do this, they must submit Form I-765along with evidence that the asylum application is in process.
Required Documentation:
To obtain employment authorization, the applicant must submit several documents,including the application form, a copy of Form I-589, and the receipt notice ofthe asylum application.
The applicant must provide copies of any government-issued identification documents,such as a passport or national ID card, and two recent passport-sized photographs.If the applicant has previously received employment authorization, they shouldinclude a copy of their most recent work permit. See more information here.

Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ section provides important details and insights related to the useand completion of form i-589 defensive asylum instructions:
Form I-589 should be submitted during the deportation hearing inimmigration court.
Yes, Form I-589 is completed similarly for both defensive andaffirmative asylum. In both cases, you must provide the same detailedinformation about your identity.
It is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended to have legalassistance to strengthen your case. If you need an expert asylum attorney,don’t hesitate to contact serving immigrants right now.
Your application will be considered incomplete and will not beprocessed until it is properly signed.