The bizarre accusations against AMWs John Walsh by his daughter Meghan Walsh (2025)

Sit down, friends, and let’s go down the rabbit hole together; this one is a doozy.

Who is Meghan Walsh?

Meghan Walsh is the daughter ofAmerica’s Most Wantedhost, John Walsh, and sister to six-year-old Adam Walsh, who was abducted and murdered in July 1981. I know I do not have to tell you anything about Adam or John; you likely know.

But to sum it up quickly:

Adam Walsh, 6, disappeared from a Hollywood, Florida, shopping mall on July 28, 1981, while at a Sears store with his mother, Revé Walsh. His skull was found two weeks later in a drainage canal in Indian River County. The police found no other remains.

Serial killer Ottis Toole confessed to killing Adam but later recanted. He died in prison in 1996. In 2008, police identified him as Adam’s killer and closed the case.

Adam’s case quickly went national and raised awareness of other missing children. His parents helped establish the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in 1984.John launchedAmerica’s Most Wantedfour years later; the rest is history, as they say.

Meghan Walsh was born after Adam’s murder in 1982. She has two younger brothers, Callahan and Hayden.

Meghan has three children, the youngest born earlier this year.

Florida DCF Takes Meghan Walsh’s Children

Here’s where the conspiracy theory comes into play. I am calling this a conspiracy theory because there is no evidence to prove otherwise, and big news outlets have never reported it. The Walsh family has not commented on it either.

The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) took Meghan’s older children into custody in April 2021 and the youngest child when the infant was five days old in June 2022. A judge granted John and Revé custody.

On the day social services removed her infant child, two of Meghan’s supporters were there, conveniently, and they filmed the incident with a phone camera. You can watch a short TikTok video here.

While the video is heartbreaking for some to watch, I see LE doing their job and a mother who seems unstable. She immediately mentions her father’s name and says she has a “federal case” in process. However, she does not say anything more about it.

While speaking with LE, Meghan’s cell phone rings, and she answers it, then puts it on speaker. It’s her ADA advocate, she says. An ADA advocate works on behalf of people with disabilities. Is Meghan disabled, or is it one of her children? I need some clarification.

Regardless, one of the officers on the scene tells the advocate that they have a COURT ORDER to take the infant. Meghan is upset, understandably, but she also seems nervous and defensive. She keeps saying, “This is kidnapping. This is evil.” No, it’s not kidnapping when they can legally take your child.

The video only shows us one side of the story — Meghan’s.

Wild Conspiracy Theory

Meghan claims that her parents conspired with DCF and law enforcement to have the children removed from Meghan’s care and put under their custody by falsifying evidence. She says she has done nothing wrong.

According tothis website, “Ms. Walsh said ‘strange doctors’ saw her kids as patients and that the ‘strange doctors’ then testified against her in court, which she said contributed to her children being taken.”

Meghan believes that her father’s wealth, social status, and local connections helped him “steal” her children.

Most of her supporters are members of the far right, who accuse John Walsh of being connected to human trafficking. I have yet to see any solid proof of their theory.

I first heard Meghan’s wild claims on TikTok. Meghan is a bit extreme. Please take a look at a few of her tweets on Twitter.

She even throws Gabby Petito‘s father into her rants. The last one is interesting. Meghan blames her parents for why her children are not with her, yet she says otherwise in this tweet, which is full of lies. No one would take her kids for the reasons she mentioned, and the end of that tweet is just nonsense.

I do not know the whole story, and I refuse to sit through an hour-long, one-sided YouTube video created by one of her supporters. I want actual evidence, f*ck you very much.

There are reports that Meghan has alcohol and drug problems and mental illness, but she denies the claims. She also says she has never abused her children. Meghan seems to avoid claiming any responsibility for why her children are no longer in her care.

Meghan Walsh’s Unbelievable Claim Parents Want Children

So why would her parents want to take her children from her?

According to Meghan, she allegedly began investigating Adam’s murder, which is why her parents and their “team” had her children taken away – a retaliation move, she claims, to keep her from learning “the truth.”

Meghan stated that she thinks her parents killed Adam and that he is still alive. She once claimed in a video that a man left her a voicemail, “Hi sis, it’s Adam. I’m coming home after a long time. I am arriving in Hollywood tomorrow morning. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Meghan claims she has been in contact with this person, who says he is Adam Walsh. She then states that her brother’s disappearance also involves Johnny Gosch and “the adoption system.” She accuses the NCMEC of enabling illegal adoptions after claiming she found proof of adoption papers in her brother’s name.

How did her children being taken from her lead to this craziness?

Here’s the thing. Adam never knew his siblings because they were born after his abduction and murder. He was only SIX YEARS OLD and likely would not know his real identity if he were alive today, and therefore, would have no idea the location of “home.”

She also claims that her father has severe cognitive issues and mental illness, but one has to wonder about Meghan herself. As far as I can tell, John Walsh has shown no signs of a cognitive decline or mental illness.


I like a good conspiracy theory, but this one seems far-fetched. Where did all of this originate? If you punch “John Walsh Meghan Walsh” into Google, you see numerous photos of what appears to be a very happy father and daughter.

And if you compare those pictures of Meghan to the one at the top of this post or the video footage, you can see a dramatic change in her appearance. Life for her has not been good. What led to her complicated life when her upbringing was far different?

I initially wanted to believe Meghan. I don’t know why, but I did. Well, the part about Adam being alive. According to an article on Ranker, some people believe Adam is not dead. Others think the skull found did not belong to him. I admit the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and discovery of the head are strange.

If Meghan wants the world to believe that her parents are evil and Adam is alive, then she must be believable and not appear half-mad. Talking about your children being removed is one thing. But accusing people of kidnapping them or associating your experience with human trafficking is bullshit and a slap in the face to real victims.

For the record, I don’t believe a man who dedicated his life to saving children would be the monster Meghan claims he is because we would have seen that side of him long before now.

John has had his fair share of troubles, as reportedhere. He admits that he was not always a good father. However, he and his wife appear to have good relationships with Callahan and Hayden. Callahan has joined his father in advocating for the NCMEC and served as executive producer for “In Pursuit with John Walsh.”

Hayden Walsh toldSidelines Magazinein 2017: “My parents taught me not to be the little prince or Lord Fauntleroy that prances around and forgets how much it takes to achieve,” said Hayden. “I worked in the barn every summer. I worked to play polo. I was 10 years younger than my brother Callahan and 12 years younger than my sister Meghan. As harsh as I thought they were, I’m thankful for them putting me straight and teaching me not to be a pest.”

Something went wrong with Meghan. If she speaks the truth, I hope her children return to her. But if she denies events of her own doing that led to DCF removing them, I hope she gets the help she needs for her children’s sake.

There is currently a petition to help her. The first sentence starts, “There is a national outcry…”

But there isn’t. If you Google “Meghan Walsh,” you will not find any significant newspapers or news channels covering her wild story. You won’t find it on social media unless it’s Meghan or her supporters posting about it.

If you want to watch videos surrounding this story, by all means, plug in her name on YouTube or TikTok. And if you’re brave enough, go to 😳

The bizarre accusations against AMWs John Walsh by his daughter Meghan Walsh (2025)


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