[REC]: Horror Without Pause (2022) (2025)

[REC]: Horror Without Pause (2022) (1)

[REC]: Horror Without Pause (2022) (2)

Where to watch

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[REC]: terror sin pausa

Directed by Diego López-Fernández


The documentary about the most profitable Spanish horror franchise of all times

The horror film [REC] — directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza, and released in 2007 — was an unprecedented triumph for Spanish fantasy cinema. Fifteen years later, those responsible for the creation and worldwide success of this cinematic milestone decode its keys and resurrect the myth.

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  • Cast
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Jaume Balagueró Paco Plaza Alberto Marini Pablo Rosso David Ambit Julio Fernández Teresa Gefaell Ángel Sala Violeta Kovacsics Oriol Maymó Gemma Fauria Jorge-Yamam Serrano Manuela Velasco Pablo Guisa Koestinger Nacho Vigalondo Javier Ruiz Caldera Carlos Lasarte Cristina Campos Martha Carbonell Ferrán Terraza David Vert Vicente Gil Claudia Silva María Lanau Koldo Serra Javier Botet Sandra Astor José Mellinas


Diego López-Fernández


Diego López-Fernández


Alberto Calveres


Xevi Subinyà


Buio Mondo


Javier Félez Rodríguez


Irene Bellet


Filmax Volta Producción





Alternative Titles

[•REC]: terror sin pausa, [•REC]: Horror Without Pause, 死亡录像恐怖重启



Releases by Date

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07 Oct 2022
  • [REC]: Horror Without Pause (2022) (3)SpainSitges FilmFestival


28 Oct 2022
  • [REC]: Horror Without Pause (2022) (4)Spain


17 Feb 2023
  • [REC]: Horror Without Pause (2022) (5)Spain

Releases by Country

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[REC]: Horror Without Pause (2022) (6)Spain
07 Oct 2022
  • PremiereSitges FilmFestival
28 Oct 2022
  • Theatrical
17 Feb 2023
  • DigitalNetflix

105mins More atIMDbTMDb Report this page

Popular reviews

  • Review by Kiko Vega ★★★

    Vi [REC] en el pase del Auditori de las ocho de la mañana de aquel 2007. Al salir me encontré con Plaza y Balagueró y les dije "Hostia, tíos, qué puto miedo. Lo vais a petar". El resto es historia.
    Qué bonito y merecido homenaje.
    Una de las películas más importantes de la historia del cine español recibe el homenaje que merece.
    El trabajo de Diego López-Fernández es discreto, pero debe ser así. Aquí lo que manda es el recuerdo y la memoria, y toda esa gente alucinante recordando esas vacaciones en el infierno.

  • Review by Paulaloveshorror ★★★½ 2


  • Review by 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚

    manuela velasco nuestra meryl streep

  • Review by mendiii ★★★★★

    la próxima persona q se meta con el cine español se las verá con mis puños d cinéfila

  • Review by sinceblackwidow ★★★½

    Queria agradecer aos envolvidos na produção e criação de REC, a experiência de assistir ao filme de madrugada em um quarto no escuro é uma maravilha.

  • Review by alba ★★★★★

    Yo esta peli la defiendo con mi vida

  • Review by Gary Cruise ★★★★

    FrightFest 2023

    This is a very interesting documentary about one of my favourite horror films. [REC]: Horror Without Pause takes us through all things [REC], from the initial idea coming about to the remake sequels. It’s so thorough with the information provided, with so many little details that I found very fascinating given that, as much as I love the film, I knew very little about its history prior to watching this. The interviews with the cast, crew and fans are all brilliant, it seems like everyone had the best time making this film and are genuinely surprised by how successful the film has been and how many people love it worldwide. I highly recommend this for any [REC] fans!

    🎥🎥🎥🎥 / 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥

  • Review by jokin ★★★★★

    el jokin de doce años que un día haciendo zapping se topó con lo que creía que era un reportaje que le dio tanto miedo que tuvo que apagar la tele está chillando ahora mismo.

  • Review by Er_Peibol ★★★½

    Para los amantes de la saga, sobre todo de la primera parte, este docu es un gustazo. La base es una entrevista con Jaume y Paco en la que te cuentan todos los entresijos del rodaje. Me pareció una pasada el final que tenían pensado y la criatura que finalmente fue sustituida por la icónica niña de Medeiros.

  • Review by RMadison ★★★★

    Sure, this has pacing issues in the way a lot of talking heads documentaries do, but when it's a loving and educational look at the making of arguably my favourite found footage horror film it's hard to care too much. Great stuff.

  • Review by Carl

    Frightfest Film 16

    Fascinating retrospective on one of my favourite found footage movies. You get the feeling that there's hours of outtakes especially from Plaza and Balagueró

  • Review by K F C ☀️🥀 ★★★

    Yo crecí con esta película, obvio que iba a mirar este documental.

[REC]: Horror Without Pause (2022) (2025)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Views: 5958

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.